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Hi Everyone! I'm finally back. Enough with COVID, enough with working my regular job, enough with the nonsense political TV regurgitates every day of our lives. I've just revised HIGHLANDER PRESS' website. Having recently retired from working  for the federal government, I've got to do more than learn square dancing and volunteering at the local food bank. And I can only walk Bentley the Wonder Dog so many times a day, right?  (....try telling Bentley that)


The general idea here is three-fold: first, I will return to reviewing books, posting one review per month to start. Second, I want to present viewers some new photos my brand-new iPhone 15 PRO concocts for me. Lastly, I hope to share some of the opportunities, fun, and difficulties I continue to encounter working to bring two distinct, long-suffering writing projects to the general public's attention (more on that in a few weeks). What is it about writing that compels us to write?  What are some practical tools seasoned writers employ in their craft? What do veteran authors have to say about the art of writing? Is writing really worth the hassle? Or is playing Frisbee a better way to pass time? All these compelling issues, and more, will be explored with my readers in the near future. I'm told communication is a two-way street, so please let me know your thoughts, ideas, criticisms, etc. Thanks for stopping by.


Best Wishes


Rod Haynes

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